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Investment Management

Precision CMO Subroutine Library and Database

GAT (Global Advanced Technology) Corporation

Global Advanced Technology has a rule-based CMO Cashflow Engine which wasoriginally developed by Drexel Burnham Lambert and was completelyrewritten by GAT, increasing its performance and portability. GAT hasalso incorporated its own four factor prepayment model including coupon,seasonality, burnout and WAM. It also allows you to set up your ownprepayment scenarios and generate cashflows based on them.The CMO databases include most agency and private label fully reverseengineered CMO deals, geographic data on CMOs. and prepayment data on allCMO deals. The databases are updated via modem as new deals, collateraland bond factors are available. All deals are reverse engineered at GATand are continuously verified for accuracy by matching GAT's projectedtranche factors with actual factors reported by the trustees.GAT provides a linkable library of routines providing a user with manyinformational and analytical capabilities. GAT's extensive database isaccessible with the subroutine library, enabling you to easily design andimplement your own programs to analyse any aspect of a CMO deal.The library routines offer the following services:* Descriptive information for deals, tranches and collateral.* Cashflow computation under standard or customized scenarios usingPSAs, CPRs, SMMs, GAT Prepayment Model, or your own prepayment model.Results can be generated for tranches or any individual piece ofcollateral.* Analytics for computing prices, accrued interest, yields, spreads,durations, average lives of tranches or collateral items.This library is supported under a variety of platforms, including UNIX C,VAX/VMS C, Borland C++ (Windows), Intel C (386), Microway C (i860) andMS-DOS.The power of GAT's subroutine library allows you to rapidly developcustomized feeds into accounting, analytic and other systems. Forexample, you can easily generate cashflows, quantify risk exposure,populate databases and compute price/yield tables. For more detailedinformation, please contact GAT.

Language: C
Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: None.
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 1.0,2.2

GAT (Global Advanced Technology) Corporation
Wall Street Plaza 9th Flr
New York, NY 10005
Phone: (212) 785-9630
Fax: (212) 785-9639